segunda-feira, 18 de maio de 2009


Another hit in the wall, another spear through my heart, but I won't lay down. Hello, I'm still here, waitting for the big wave, is that all you got? I'm talking to you, the misery that fallows me everywhere I go, the dark that trys to torn my heart, I'm talking to you! I'm standing still, still here, can't you see? This is who I am, can you beat me? I'm talking to you, life! No matter how many obstacles you put on my way, I see them coming, no matter how many times I fall down the abiss, you know, I'll always find my way back to climb it, no matter how much I bleed, I wont give in! Can you hear me? I'm here, building my fate, wheather you like it or not!

quarta-feira, 13 de maio de 2009


Back at the battle field, found my peace of mind!
Seeking for a way to get through these walls that keep me out. After a long time away from myself, I got back, and I stand still, no regreats! Here I am waiting for the big wave, ready for the incoming lightning, open arms to recieve the fight! Here I stand aware of the abiss that layes ahead! Here I am with my healed soul. I stand still, no fear, no regreats, only the sight of what I stand for...

quarta-feira, 6 de maio de 2009


Fecho os olhos e vejo... habito um lugar inóspito na minha mente, nada se avista... Estou cercada pela linha do horizonte, é igual para onde quer que olhe, exceptuando algumas irregularidades de relevo, é sempre igual, nada me diz para onde seguir para sair desta prisão sem grades... Estou acorrentada sem correntes, que me prendem aqui, onde ninguém pode chegar, onde ninguem me pode chegar! Fecho os olhos e ando à volta até nao mais conseguir, e quando parar, tenho um rumo escolhido, é uma maneira tão válida como qualquer outra para escolher um caminho... Abro os olhos para a imensidão do que me aguarda, mas não é nada, rodeia-me o que sempre me rodeou, perdi a bússula da vida, e parece que cada passo que dou, seja em que direcção for, me leva sempre para mais longe do meu destino, porque a trilha foi apagada, e eu já não consigo andar. Arrasto os pés pesarosos, deixando atrás de mim as marcas de uma caminhada cujo sentido se perdeu há muito tempo. Já não procuro, já não espero, já não sei...

domingo, 3 de maio de 2009

This is it...

This is the story of my life… A storm all the time, the restless rain coming down on me, burning my eyes…
I could start with a “once upon a time”, but this isn’t a fairy tale, there won’t be an “and they lived happily ever after”, there’s no such a thing as eternal happiness. That’s not my story, not my life! I can always start a fight, but it becomes endless, I always lose control. Days go by and I feel I’m still standing because I can no longer fall! Days go by and I look the same, but deep in my eyes I can see, the storm is just about to get worse, the storm is just about to get the worst! I look at the horizon and the light seems different, the colors aren’t vivid anymore!
The darkness approaches my eyes, I try to repel it, but it’s becoming stronger, so much stronger than my own strength. I’m fighting myself to not give up, but I’m already getting on my knees. I look out the window, I just want to be gone, so far, as far as the eye can see. The emptiness touches my soul and I feel cold, I freeze, I can’t scream, my voice got stuck in the shadows, It can’t be heard no more. Now the words that come out my leaps don’t seem like mine, the sound I heard from my throat isn’t natural, I’m getting caught by something I cannot explain, that cannot be seen, that no one else feels, but still, it’s here, and it saw me, and it won’t give me in… every time I get to be alone, it moves closer, I almost can feel it’s breath, I’ll end up losing myself, but not without struggling.